When it comes to business, it pays to keep an eye on the future. It’s rare to be labelled as a visionary and not without reason, as it takes something like foresight to tap into new markets, successfully.
With the global pandemic widely referred to as a turning point, the horizon may be that little bit clearer to catch sight of. Remote working, artificial intelligence, veganism, the second-hand market…concepts that were on the margins are now getting a look in. Trends that were only just beginning, have now accelerated.
In this article, London Business Magazine features the insights of 5 women from the worlds of coaching, media and therapy, and hears how they are taking inspiration from the internet, automation and even neuroscience to future-proof their businesses.
Kylie Anderson: “There are a host of opportunities and platforms”

What comes after burn-out? Kylie might have the answer, with her 15+ years of corporate experience.
Now an online business strategist, she helps professionals in the tertiary sector make the most of their skill set.
There has been rapid growth in my business in the past two years, as I’ve helped clients package up their knowledge and skills into online courses and coaching programs. High ticket hybrid coaching/courses have proven to be the most popular model.
In 2022, my business focus will be on expanding this growth and the client successes I’ve seen, by creating a new supportive community. It will include a variety of connection and collaboration opportunities, as well as a focus on longer term sustainability.
I’m also developing my Iconic Wealth International Brand as a showcase for women that they can have it all: money, family and financial freedom. With a view to launching a new, aligned podcast and live event, I hope to inspire and motivate even more women entrepreneurs to create lasting wealth. There are a host of opportunities and platforms. These include online courses/programs, stock trading, property investing and crypto.
It’s time women leaders stand up and share their experiences to help others realise that they can do it too. If it’s your time to grow your online coaching business, reach out and let’s connect.
Lady Kendal Jaggar: “Allowing staff the choice to be home based”

In the midst of the pandemic, LKJ Media has moved towards a digital media platform, as the company attempts to secure a future for journalism in the current economic landscape.
As a company, we believe that our workforce should be proactive and should support each other as a team. By using techniques to address mental health awareness, we can also be adaptable in how we report.
Essentially, we pursued different measures to ensure our company could still deliver ground breaking news, under difficult circumstances and conditions. The change in the way interviews were constructed by the use of Zoom was extremely challenging at times. As journalists at LKJ Media, we have always appreciated human contact.
At times, adjusting the ‘home office’ left some colleagues feeling less energetic, as the adrenaline was not the same when interviewing via Zoom. However, as this platform became more of a normality, we found that the empowerment from Zoom meetings produced a very proactive and positive approach for the team.
This new strategic approach has led LKJ Media to become more digital regarding their work force. This includes allowing their staff the choice to be home based or a field reporter.
Dr Aleksandra Plazinic: “Understanding human psychology results in effective business”

Putting her PhD in Communications to creative use, Dr Plazinic has built up a portfolio of connections at various international organisations, including the European Commission.
Through running workshops and her role as a keynote speaker, she has been recognised as a top coach to look out for in 2022.
Today’s new digital era has brought many shifts in doing business. Nevertheless, for me, the substance in any industry stays the same – it always revolves around people and establishing effective communications. We always need to connect to individuals or groups, be they customers, partners, companies, or employees.
I discovered that building genuine human-to-human connections – and encouraging it – became more critical than ever in today’s world. Therefore, authentic communications, emotional intelligence and empathy are highly appreciated skills.
It is inevitable that we need to adapt to ever-changing platforms, as getting together for a coffee or having in-person meetings is not always possible. However, nowadays, hopping on a quick call or sending a direct audio message provides effective results.
Moreover, we can learn from findings in neuroscience. These show that we as humans have also adapted to the platforms we use. This in turn has impacted on our lack of attention span and made us face certain paradoxes, e.g., feeling disconnected in this digital world.
We take these developments and they influence how we shape our communication – from interpersonal to marketing – so that it resonates with our audience.
Following this, I transformed my programs. Now, they respond to my client’s needs, focusing more on effective online communications and overcoming the fear of public speaking on digital platforms, rather than using traditional tools. Thus, adapting communications to changed platforms and understanding human psychology results in effective and successful business.
Elaine Powell: “Ensuring our business is automated”

With a resume that includes delivering talks at BT and the BBC, Eliane is the founder of MindSpeak Academy.
Her past experience involves a career in law and working with young people.
Prior to the pandemic at the beginning of 2019, I was a full time international speaker, delivering workshops on mindset and public speaking. By the beginning of 2020, I decided that I needed to take at least 70% of my business online.
This development online was an unsure but exciting time, full of learning and growth. I was successful and delivered two summits, interviewing 45 global speakers. I also ran a year long speakers program and in 2021, several programs supporting clients to get on a TEDx stage.
As I wanted to become a mother, future-proofing my business was crucial and I did this by ensuring that it was automated. This meant running live and automated webinars, so that people could get the information they needed at a touch of a button. I also garnered new leads with Facebook ads.
My year long TEDx program now has online modules. Therefore, participants can learn at their own pace and I don’t have to deliver the same content over and over again. Like big businesses, to secure our success, we can all benefit from ensuring our business is as automated as possible. Let’s play smart so that we can also spend valuable time with friends and family.
Hayat Shahrezaey: “Creating global connections”

Hayet is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and rapid transformational coach.
During the pandemic, she found herself having to transfer her sessions to a video call format.
Helping oppressed ladies rediscover their self-worth is my mission.
Before Covid, I practiced both digitally and in person in the Surrey town of Guildford. Now, I’ve switched and become fully digital, so as to pivot and focus on creating global connections.
Regardless of your success, the top issues that surfaced world-wide during the pandemic were fear, anxiety, loneliness, and a sense of belonging. I ran free events – on a local and global scale – to help explain that every system in the body, from the nervous system to digestion, is negatively affected when the mind is acts from limiting beliefs that have been accepted as normal behaviours.
I still find social media challenging, but showing up to help people is far more important than me worrying about how perfect I am online. By helping clients unlock the power of their mind, their body can heal itself, reduce stress, prevent disease and achieve peace during these stressful times.
Currently, I invest in developing online courses that focuses on lifting the oppressed and allowing them to grow their confidence and self-esteem. By embodying their greatness, fulfilling their potential and identifying ways to connect with more money, they can set off on a path to achieving abundance in their lives.