Can Soft Words on Hard Days Strengthen Your Team?
Charlene’s always a step ahead.
Across the crowded Dallas Metroplex, corporate cowboys and print shop tabloids alike regale her as the reigning champ. For good...
What is more important: Individuality or Being Fair?
I received a message from a credit card company that I owed them 240 Pounds in charges. This was after I had settled the...
Time To Do it All: 6 Top Tips On How Multiple...
Hands up if you have already found your true passion, the one that ignites you, fills you with purpose and means that you are...
Science Behind the Brain: What is Keeping Women From Becoming Leaders?
A paradox is emerging. While the progress of women in the corporate world has stalled, more and more women are becoming their own boss....
10 Essential Tips to Balance Your Life in 90 days
Filling executive and leadership positions for over 3 decades and maintaining a passion to make a difference in the world while pursuing entrepreneurship, I...
5 Interesting Facts About Georgia
There’s no better feeling than booking your flights, throwing your worldly belongings into a backpack and heading out on an adventure to explore another...
The Day Tony Robbins Changed My Life
Twenty-eight years ago, I was gifted the most beautiful man. We fell in love. I think that actually we’d always been in love. And...
7 Top Tips for Social Media
Building up a social media following can be a long, arduous task but it is worth doing as it helps you to connect and...
Property Market is Booming: Here are 8 Reasons Why
Just imagine having cash land in your bank account every month for the rest of your life, after having done the work to earn...
3 Lessons on How to Increase Profits
To be successful in life and in business the most important thing to know is to know yourself. You will always be the one...
7 Reasons Why Happiness is an Inside Job
In my job as a Commercial Excellence Director and Coach I am often confronted with the question:
“How do I cope with this?”
Miracle Argan oil: Liquid Gold of Morocco
I have oily skin and I suffered from acne for a long time. Like every woman, I tried out all the products that were...
Where Does Our Morning Coffee Come From?
So many of us are coffee lovers. As working hours become longer and longer, we need an extra help from a delicious cup of...
Skip Archimedes – Do What You Love
Skip Archimedes has overcome enormous challenges in his life, from being a kid covered in eczema, with chronic asthma, frequent chest infections and always...
Are You Working “On” Your Business, or “In” Your Business?
You may have grown up with parents who instilled in you to go to school, get a good education so you can get a...