
Building a successful online business takes time, dedication, and consistency. One of the biggest challenges I see women facing in the online space is getting above the noise. With so many groups to engage with, themed days to follow, coaches to work with, and available courses, it can be really overwhelming and cause burnout for so many. When we...
Much conventional thinking is that your leadership is something you do to people, a magic set of motivation techniques that you can learn and will encourage people to give more, do more or achieve more than they would have without you. A lot of leadership is about discovering the right hot buttons that you can trigger in people, the...
On Monday 28th January 2019, the British Chinese Youth Federation (BCYF) held their 2019 Annual General Meeting at the House of Commons and reviewed the Big Ben Award 2018-19 Ceremony that took place on the 24th January. Hosted by former Minister of Sport and Tourism Helen Grant MP, currently the Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party. The meeting took place...
Welcome to a weight-loss system that will let you eat what you want, stop when you want and become forever thin and healthy and all without having to diet. In this article, you’ll be learning why diets don’t work, why you think more about food than you’d like to, what particular foods are challenging your weight management and then...
It’s a beautiful thing when a career and passion come together! I am Selveena Parmanum, a self-employed photographer from Mauritius. My journey has been rich of experiences – good and bad ones. But when you have the willingness and courage to fight, you can manage it all. I grew up in a family where my late mum was working as community...
Every day I speak with fashion business owners (most of all women) who have a fashion store, who are designers, who are stylists, etc. They started their own business because of their passion for fashion. In the past, you could do amazing business without being much innovative. Anno 2019, the fashion industry has completely changed. We are in a...
On the 24th of February, Hollywood celebrated another year of phenomenal films, including "A star is born", "The Favourite", "Roma" and many more. Numerous of the nominated films had a woman as their main character. That is how I came up with the idea to present eight inspiring young adult and family movies and one TV show to you,...
Building up your business is not always easy. It will be a rocky road. But what is remarkable is that especially women’s roads tend to be rockier than the ones from men. There have been loads of opinions and articles that discuss this topic. With having such a broad amount of advice and reasons for that, it is not...
At the end of February 2019, millions of people around the globe turned on their television to watch the most well-known and prestigious Award Show of the year: The Oscars. The most talented actresses and actors from Hollywood and other places of the world gathered to honor yet another fabulous and inspiring year in the film industry including the...
Czechoslovakia during communism, 1982 It's a cold, miserable, gray day. It’s raining and snowing at the same time. Brno is colourless. People pass each other with no sense of direction and without any expression on their faces. Humanity and joie de vivre are gone. It's almost Christmas 1982. Jana, my "big sister,” and I are going to town together. Not to...

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